Labs from AKS workshop #2: Advanced AKS Configuration

Evgeny Borzenin · April 20, 2021


Yesterday I held Advanced AKS Configuration workshop under my Infrastructure as Code user group.

This time, the focus was on advanced configuration aspects of AKS cluster and attendees learned:

  • how to deploy AKS into your Private Virtual Network
  • how to configure multiple node pools for system and user workloads
  • how to deploy aad-pod-identity and how to enable pod identity for your applications
  • how to deploy and configure nginx ingress controller and how to configure ingress for your services
  • how to configure egress traffic
  • how to expose your AKS publicly with Azure API Management

10 labs 100% hands-on, 4 hours and absolutely awesome participants!

As always, labs are available and you are welcome to work with them.

Here is workshops road-map for 2021-2022:

Don’t miss any upcoming workshops and join my Infrastructure as Code user group!

You can also check out my previous Infrastructure As Code workshops:

With that - thanks for reading!



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