Labs from AKS workshop #1: Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Evgeny Borzenin · February 9, 2021


I decided to dedicate 2021 to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) and yesterday I held the first Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) workshop under my Infrastructure as Code user group.

This is an introduction level workshop targeted to those of you who have never worked with neither AKS nor Kubernetes and covers the basics of using Kubernetes on Azure.

10 labs 100% hands-on, 4 hours and super awesome participants!

As always, labs are available and you are welcome to work with them.

Some funny (or not really) facts. During the workshop my main PC died after 2++ hours, and shortly after I restarted everything at my “Plan-B” laptop, it gave me the “blue screen of death” as well…


Luckily after the second restart all worked well…

Here is workshops road-map for 2021-2022:

You can also check out my previous Infrastructure As Code workshops:

and Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) workshops:

With that - thanks for reading!



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