Azure DevOps Service Connection usage

Evgeny Borzenin · April 28, 2020

I work a lot with Azure DevOps and quite often I need to find what pipelines use given Azure DevOps Service Connection. From the Azure DevOps portal, for each service connection you can find the Usage history. Usage History That is - the list of Releases where this service connection is used, but what I need is the list of Release definitions.

Luckily, Azure DevOps has a variety of tools that help you fetch data that you need. First, it has a Rest API. I wrote a lot of automation scripts (both bash and python) for Azure DevOps using Rest API and it works really good, but scripts become a bit “noisy”.

Recently, I came across az cli extensions called azure-devops. I really like az cli lightweight syntax, so I decided to give it a try.

Btw, the following command gives you the list of all available extensions, in case you curious :)

az extension list-available -o table

Let’s install azure-devops extensions

az extension add -n azure-devops

Cool, now let’s see what I can do with it.

az devops --help

    az devops : Manage Azure DevOps organization level operations.
        Related Groups
        az pipelines: Manage Azure Pipelines
        az boards: Manage Azure Boards
        az repos: Manage Azure Repos
        az artifacts: Manage Azure Artifacts.

    admin            : Manage administration operations.
    extension        : Manage extensions.
    project          : Manage team projects.
    security         : Manage security related operations.
    service-endpoint : Manage service endpoints/service connections.
    team             : Manage teams.
    user             : Manage users.
    wiki             : Manage wikis.

    configure        : Configure the Azure DevOps CLI or view your configuration.
    feedback         : Displays information on how to provide feedback to the Azure DevOps CLI team.
    invoke           : This command will invoke request for any DevOps area and resource. Please use
                       only json output as the response of this command is not fixed. Helpful docs -
    login            : Set the credential (PAT) to use for a particular organization.
    logout           : Clear the credential for all or a particular organization.

quite a lot, but today I will only focus on service-endpoint subgroup and az pipelines group.

First, you need to configure your default organization and project (even though you don’t need to do it, it will make your life easier later). Please find detailed how to get started documentation.

Next, you need to sign to Azure DevOps with a Personal Access Token.

Get service connection id by name

When all boring but important initialization part is done, let’s get some fun. First, get the list of all service connections available.

az devops service-endpoint list -o table

If I want to search service connection by name, I should use --query parameter to query Azure CLI command output.

az devops service-endpoint list --query "[?name=='iac-dev-arm']"

where iac-dev-arm is the name of the service connection.

By default result will be in form of json, but you can use -o attribute to control the output format (other options are yaml, table, jsonc and tsv).

Actually, the only information I need for my task is the service connection id and I can get it with this command

az devops service-endpoint list --query "[?name=='iac-dev-arm']".id -o tsv

Get list of all release pipeline definitions

To work with pipelines I will use az pipelines command group, and let’s start by getting the list of all release definitions

az pipelines release definition list

This will return a lot of data, but I actually only need pipeline name, so I should use --query parameter to filter the result.

az pipelines release definition list --query [].name

To get release pipeline definition information, I use this command

az pipelines release definition show --name iac-dev-blue

where iac-dev-blue is the name of the pipeline.

If you analyse the release definition json or yaml data, you can see that service connection is actually stored as id

For example, here is the json fragment from one of my release definitions

"connectedServiceNameARM": "058c137f-37d2-4bda-9ae4-aee05568eeed",

and this is the same id I got at Get service connection id by name section, so I am on the right track.

The final script

Let’s put it all together. We need a script that:

  • gets a service endpoint name as an input parameter
  • finds service connection id by the service connection name
  • gets list of all release pipelines
  • iterates through this list
  • gets release definition for each pipeline (by name)
  • search for service connection id in release definition
  • if service connection is found, print pipeline name

And here is the final version:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Finds all release definitions that use given service connection.
# usage: ./ iac-dev-arm


serviceConnectionId=$(az devops service-endpoint list --query "[?name=='$serviceConnectionName']".id | jq .[0] -r)
echo -e "Service connection $serviceConnectionName ($serviceConnectionId) is used by the following release definitions:"

az pipelines release definition list --query [].name | jq -r .[] | while read name; do
    responseJson=$(az pipelines release definition show --name $name) 
    containsServiceEndpoint=$(echo $responseJson | grep $serviceConnectionId) 
    if [[ "${containsServiceEndpoint}" != "" ]]; then
        name=$(echo ${responseJson} | jq .name -r)
        echo -e "$name"

Note, you need to install jq, the lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor to use the final script.

and here it is in action:

$ ./ iac-dev-arm
Service connection iac-dev-arm (058c137f-37d2-4bda-9ae4-aee05568eeed) is used by the following release definitions:

With that - thanks for reading!
